What is a dental implant?
Dental implants are the best and most effective solution to replace lost teeth. They are an excellent long-term option to restore your smile, in fact, the development and use of implants is one of the greatest advances in dentistry for the last 50 years. Dental implants are made of titanium and other materials that are biocompatible with the human body. They are screws that are surgically placed in the upper or lower jaw, where they function as a firm anchor for the replaced teeth.
How to know if I need a dental implant?
People who lack one or more teeth should find a way to replace them to avoid bone collapse, migration of adjacent teeth, bite dysfunction and other problems that arise with the simple absence of a single tooth. These cases can be helped with a dental implant so that they can chew, speak and smile normally and above all avoid such problems.
There are many causes by which teeth can be lost; whether due to advanced caries, an accident (fracture due to a blow), inflammation of the tissues supporting the tooth (parodontitis), absence of tooth formation (agenesis), associated severe systemic diseases, medications and cytotoxic treatments and / or aggressive, among others.
What is the procedure to perform a dental implant?
-The case is studied and planned.
– Implants are placed with a traditional surgical technique or they can also be placed without the need to open the gum/stitches thanks to computerized guided surgery.
-A healing period of approximately 6 months is expected, although in some cases provisional teeth can be placed immediately.
-The implants are connected to the crowns through prosthetic abutments.
-The final teeth are manufactured through conventional laboratory methods or through CAD / CAM technology with pinpoint precision made with digital molds and computerized manufacturing.
-Once ready your teeth (crowns) are placed and fixed on your implants.
Dental implants can improve your quality of life!

Dental implants in the Dominican Republic
In Dental Cibao Spa we have the latest CAD / CAM technology to replace missing teeth with high quality implants through guided surgery with the possibility of placing crowns immediately (depends on the case) and the development of digital scanner models to make definitive crowns in the shortest possible time.
Our Implantologist / Periodontist Dr. Enrique Rojas, who was a university professor and scientific advisor of the Dominican Implantology Society, has more than 20 years of experience, and thousands of cases that led to having been elected international speaker for Latin America in terms of dental implants.

Guided surgery is the most advanced and modern technique in Implantology
Only technology could lead us to this new way of operating, as well as the clinical experience of Dr. Enrique Rojas, academic trainer of hundreds of dentists in Latin America.
While in the past the solution was to extract the teeth, today is the time to recover them. The most suitable alternative currently known is the placement of dental implants, which respect the adjacent teeth and allow the rehabilitation individually, that is, the shape most similar to the natural function of the original denture, since they emerge directly from the gum as if they were natural teeth.
Because dental implants are placed directly in the maxillary or mandibular bone, a surgical procedure is required to “fix” them, an issue that generates fear in patients who are candidates for this treatment.
Dental implants in a single day thanks to Guided Surgery
“If we can anticipate where are the correct structures to place the implants, the quality and quantity of bone, then it is not necessary to open with a scalpel, we only plan the surgery in a computer and we can perform it in a minimally invasive way, in a matter of hours patient is back home “… says Dr. Enrique Rojas pioneer in the Dominican Republic in the use of Computer Guided Surgery.
How is Guided Surgery performed?
During the planning phase of each Guided Surgery, the implants are virtually placed through a software that shows in a three-dimensional way the area that will be operated in each case and allows us to zoom, rotate, tilt and measure as many times as necessary until getting the most accurate, parallel and safe position. This way it is possible to determine the length, diameter, inclination and position of each implant, and delicate anatomical areas that should not be touched during the actual procedure are clearly visualized.
An exact surgical guide to the dimensions of the patient is then elaborated with the ideal position of the implants previously determined in the Computer and thanks to the use of stereolithography or three-dimensional digital printing, service available in Dental Cibao Spa, a surgical guide is elaborated.
Based on the three-dimensional surgical guide, the implants are introduced during the procedure prior to local anesthesia, without the need to incise the gingiva and therefore the sutures are not required either. Computer-guided surgery in the placement of dental implants is a safe procedure and much more comfortable than conventional surgery.
Guided Surgery, innovative technology in the Dominican Republic
When a dental implant is placed, what makes it innovative is computer-guided surgery. This allows planning and placing the implants virtually through a computer. To achieve this, we ask the patient to perform a radiographic study using an oral scanner, which allows us to obtain a 3D image (three dimensions) of the patient’s maxilla, in addition a Tomography study is performed and with this information the surgery is planned through a software.
This results in placing implants in the best position to achieve an aesthetic and perfect function.
The recovery is faster, say patients who have already tried this technology and the price is absolutely competitive worldwide compared exactly with the same technique.
Nowadays this is the most advanced and modern technique in Implantology in the Dominican Republic. It combines the highest radiological, computer and surgical technology, resulting in a reliable, accurate, safe and minimally invasive procedure. With guided surgery you get maximum precision without scars.
How much does a dental implant cost in the Dominican Republic?
To know the prices of dental implants in the Dominican Republic it is essential to attend a clinical evaluation to give you an estimate of the total costs, since these vary depending on the complexity of the clinical case (number of implants, increase in bone mass, etc.).
The average cost of dental implants can vary from one patient to another and the brand used, before any treatment you must request a quote. Only a budget can be delivered after a detailed examination.
Contact us now and make your appointment with us!